Plusnet Landline Call Charges
With Plusnets unlimited UK & Mobile call plan, you can make calls of up to 60 minutes to UK 01, 02 & 03 landline numbers, 0870/0845 numbers and UK mobiles at any time. Voicemail, 1471 (Last Caller) and 141 (Withheld Number) are all included with our packages if you want them. Plusnet offer a range of broadband and phone packages, each with there own charges depending on the number you’re dialing and the time of day. Therefore its worth noting the table below:
Time period | When it applies |
Daytime | Monday to Friday - 7am - 7pm |
Evening | Monday to Friday - 7pm - 7am |
Weekends | All day Saturday & Sunday |
Inclusive call length
- Inclusive calls to UK numbers become chargeable after 60 minutes
- Inclusive calls to international numbers become chargeable after 30 minutes
- Calls to Plusnet Support are free for the duration of the call, regardless of length
Plusnets Standard Charges for out of package calls are shown in the table below:
Number | Cost |
01, 02, 03 | 12.54p |
All mobile networks | 12.54p |
084, 087, 09 and 118 | 9.58p Access Charge + Service Charge |
1471 | Free |
Voicemail (1571) | Free |
Plusnet Unlimited UK and Mobile Landline Package
Number | Cost |
UK landline | Inclusive at all times |
UK mobile | 2000 inclusive minutes to use at any time |
Non-geographical (0845 & 0870) | Inclusive at all times |
International (landline and mobile) | Charged at standard rates at all times |
Plusnet to Plusnet | Inclusive at all times |
Calls to Plusnet | Free at all times |
Plusnet Evenings and Weekends Landline Package
Number | Cost |
UK landline | Inclusive during evenings and at weekends |
UK mobile | 1000 inclusive minutes to use during evenings and at weekends |
Non-geographical numbers (0845 & 0870) | Inclusive during evenings and at weekends |
International (landline and mobile) | Charged at standard rates at all times |
Plusnet to Plusnet calls | Inclusive at all times |
Calls to Plusnet support | Free at all times |